Sunday 25 November 2012

                                                Complete Framing To Focus Attention

                                             Complete Framing To Focus Attention #2
                                                         Frame Within A Frame #1

                                                           Frame Within A Frame #2
                                                                 Wild Life In Motion

                                                             Wild Life In Motion #2
                                                              Example Of A Portrait

                                                            Example Of A Portrait #2

Friday 23 November 2012

                                                            People in Motion (Full Body)
                                                        Person In Motion (Full Body)

Thursday 22 November 2012

                                                      Machine In Definite Motion #1
                                                     Machine In Definite Motion #2
                                                                Leading Lines Across
                                                     Leading Lines From Left To Right
                                                         Leading Lines Into A Photo #1
                                                       Leading Lines Into A Photo #2
                                                   Leading Lines From Bottom To Top
                                                  Leading Lines From Top To Bottom

Wednesday 21 November 2012

                                                               Foreground Focus #1
                                                               Foreground Focus #2
                                                                 Background Focus #1
                                                                Backgorund Focus #2

Deep Focus #1
                                                                      Deep Focus #2